Human Search / Taplow Russia is continuing to deliver pro-active search and experienced consulting throughout the current pandemic crisis. Almost all search projects are continuing as usual, and we are taking on new projects. Some candidates might feel a particular worry currently, and we try to explain the situation of our clients in the current location as detailed as possible. We note some delays in projects with decision-makers from countries where strict quarantine regimes have been introduced, but in general, our projects are running smoothly. Human Search has always focused on an effective and agile working style which includes telephone and video interviews to be flexible with candidates and being able to do search internationally across borders. Thus our consultants are solidly experienced in working remotely and still achieving the best possible quality over more local providers. We are always open for discussion! Stay healthy and follow the recommendation of authorities! Please also take a look at our group website for further news.


Nasze Usługi

W Human Search jesteśmy specjalistami w dziedzinie headhuntingu i poszukiwaniu bezpośrednim. Szybko, bo zaledwie w ciągu 20 roboczych przedstawimy kandydatów z odpowiednim doświadczeniem i wiedzą fachową, zgodnie ze stawianymi przez Państwa wymaganiami.

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